

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Exam Info

We will inform you about the entrance examination information for those who want to study at the undergraduate or graduate school of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.In addition, information on events for prospective students, such as open campuses, will be posted.


OTHER APPLICATIONSOther recruitment information

Course students

Faculty of Marine Life Science, Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment

School of Marine Technology


For inquiries about non-degree students, please contact the person in charge listed in the above application guidelines.

For course details,syllabus for more information.
Note: For April enrollment, the syllabus for the academic year may not have been published by the application deadline.note that.


Application requirements

Please see below for application requirements for research students.

Application guidelines for April enrollment will be posted around December, and application guidelines for October enrollment will be posted around June.

Application documents for research students will be distributed by your prospective supervisor.

Advanced Onboard Training Course for Marine Science and Technology Marine Ship Operations Course

Recruitment for Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Department of Marine Science (Replenishment)

We would like to inform you about the recruitment (supplement) of students for the Department of Marine Science at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology for the 2024 academic year. [Published on 12/26/XNUMX]

Student application guidelines (There is no paper version, so please see the following PDF file.)
  • If you wish to take the Marine Science Major Recruitment (Replenishment) exam, there are items to confirm your eligibility.] in advance.
  • For application forms prescribed by the university, please contact Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Entrance Examination Section 03 [TEL 5463-4265-2 E-mail:].
Application Periods

From Friday, January 7st to Wednesday, February 1th, 31, 2:5 p.m. (must arrive by this date)

Application method
  • Please submit the application documents in person or by mail.
    (Submission address) Entrance Examination Section 108, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Entrance Examination Division, 8477-1-XNUMX Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo XNUMX-XNUMX (XNUMXst floor, Administration Building, Shinagawa Campus)
  • In the case of bringing documents, reception hours are from 9:17 to 12:13 (excluding XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX).
  • When mailing, please write “Application for Advanced Course (Supplementary)” in red on the front of the envelope and send it by express registered mail.
  • Please check the bank account and payment method etc. in the attached "Payment of the Examination Fee for the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology's Marine Science Department Student Recruitment (Supplementary)" to confirm the payment method and bank account details.
    The payment fee will be borne by the applicant.
Required Documents

The application documents include documents that need to be issued by various institutions (e.g. undergraduate transcripts, certificates of (expected) undergraduate graduation, health certificates, etc.) and requests for forms from the entrance examination section There are documents (prescribed forms) to be prepared after obtaining them (example: application for admission, etc.).It may take some time to prepare, so please start preparing early.