
I went to the fish market with the XNUMXth graders of Kesennuma Municipal Omose Elementary School.

November 2018, 10

On October 2018, 10 (Thursday), 4 36th grade students from Kesennuma Municipal Omose Elementary School visited the Kesennuma Fish Market as part of their "Integrated Study Time" class.At Omose Elementary School, fifth graders learn about the fishing industry, Kesennuma's key industry, and the jobs of the people who support it during social studies and general studies.First, Mr. Koyama, a staff member of the Sanriku Satellite of the university, talked about his 5 years of experience as a fisherman, and explained the characteristics of the Kesennuma fish market and the fish that are landed there.Afterwards, the children actually touched the proboscis of a swordfish and the jaws of a mako shark, deepening their understanding of how fishermen catch fish.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Sanriku Satellite will continue to support the spread and promotion of marine education in school education so that children can learn and improve while becoming familiar with the sea.On the next day, on the 17th, we visited Fukuyo Maru No. XNUMX, which was scheduled to be landed, and learned about longline fishing methods.Thank you to everyone involved for your time.

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