
[Let's have fun learning about the sea!Pom-pom ship making and rope work workshop】

November 2019, 7


Why do not you make a pom-pom ship?Rope work is also held at the same time! Members of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Maritime Promotion Association are coming! 

At the Sanriku Satellite, we invited members of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Maritime Promotion Association for children and students during their summer vacation to participate in "Pon-Pon Boat Making" using the power of steam and "Rope Work" that can be applied to everyday life. workshop will be held.You can learn not only old-fashioned pompom boat making and everyday life, but also rope work skills to save lives and protect your own life.

Date/Time/Wednesday, August 11, 13 ①15:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX ②XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX

■ Venue: Kesennuma City Fisheries Promotion Center (988-0037 Uoichiba-mae, Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture 8-25)

■ Target: Elementary school students to high school students * Elementary school students (lower grades) and younger are accompanied by a guardian

■ Participation fee / Free

■ Capacity / 30 people each time

■ Application deadline: Friday, August XNUMXnd (closed when capacity is reached)

■ Application items/name, school name, grade, ℡, presence/absence of parent/guardian, morning session/afternoon session

■ Application/Inquiries/

?Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Sanriku Satellite

TEL/FAX: 29-6719