- 2012.06.27News
- Held the 24rd Career Workshop in 2
- 2012.06.27News
- 2nd skill-up seminar additional schedule decided
- 2012.06.25News
- Power lunch will be held on July 7rd at Etchujima!
- 2012.06.21Publications
- Dolphin Newsletter <June 2012>
- 2012.06.19News
- We held a power lunch in June
- 2012.06.07News
- 23 long-term internship report meeting will be held
- 2012.05.29News
- Power Lunch in Etchujima Campus held
- 2012.05.25News
- 23 long-term internship completion report
- 2012.05.23News
- Notice of 24 2rd Skill Up Seminar