- 2024.03.21News
- Regarding the format of career decision notification
- 2024.03.05News
- Regarding the award ceremony for public servants in 5
- 2024.02.05News
- <Held on February 2st> Job hunting experience presentation for undergraduate students
- 2024.01.12News
- Regarding holding of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Joint Corporate Research Group (2/16, 19, 20)
- 2023.11.30News
- <Held on December 12th> Information on special lecture on advanced specialized career formation theory
- 2023.11.02News
- Guidance for becoming an educational civil servant - Career path for becoming a "teacher" - will be held.
- 2023.11.02News
- A list of job opportunities (FYXNUMX) has been posted.