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Reports on lectures, workshops, etc.

This is the lecture report of the 3th "Highly Specialized Career Formation Theory I/II" (RXNUMX year)


The XNUMXth Advanced Specialized Career Formation Theory was held.

Subject: Learning from graduate students' job hunting experiences (XNUMX) Challenges in various industries
Lecturer: Specially Appointed Professor Kazumi Shiotani
Report: Private company offer
Date: November XNUMXth (Friday) to XNUMXth (Monday), XNUMX
Method: Distance learning (on-demand video distribution)
Participants: XNUMX people

What I learned at Marine University becomes my strength (voice of successful applicant)

What was common to the successful applicants was that they were able to demonstrate their comprehensive human strengths.
In addition to logical thinking ability, self-analysis should reveal your unique qualities such as personality and physical strength.
In company analysis, it is essential to conduct research based not only on job hunting pages but also on IR information.??
There was also a message that even if things don't go well, let's continue job hunting while taking a breather without being too depressed.

Knowing your winning pattern through trial and error, and making it the axis of your job hunting (Specially Appointed Professor Shioya)

Please take advantage of guidance, workshops, and career consultations hosted by the Career Support Center.

Career Support Center
?career [at] m.kaiyodai.ac.jp
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