

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Student life

Global education

Use of External bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 Qualification Tests

  Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology promotes global education.
 Scores from external bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 proficiency tests are used as application requirements for general entrance examinations.
  In addition, for undergraduate students, while promoting bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 education such as the external bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 qualification test TOEIC, overseas internship dispatch (commonly known as the Ocean University Overseas Expedition) and exchange
 We provide opportunities for a variety of global experiences, such as studying abroad.
  In addition, as an indicator of students' bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 proficiency, we check the score of external bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 proficiency exams for new students every year, and the average score has continued to rise in recent years.

freshman TOEIC score


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Global Education in Undergraduate Schools

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