

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

[Awards and Commendations] Professor Daisuke Watanabe receives Japan Society of Packaging Science Paper Award

School of Marine Technology Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers

Professor Daisuke Watanabe (Division of Information and Distribution Engineering) 

[Outline of Awards]
 Professor Daisuke Watanabe, together with Shogo Horiguchi of the Osaka Institute of Industrial Technology and Technology, a local independent administrative institution, received the Japan Society of Packaging Science and Technology's Best Paper Award.
 The Japan Society of Packaging Science Paper Award has been1The award is given to the most outstanding research papers published in the Journal of Japan Packaging Science each year.

 Awarded for: "Simple acceleration of platform vibration"PSD"Verification of the accuracy of the estimation method"
 Authors: Shogo Horiguchi, Kazushiro Tsuda, Ryo Hosoyama, Daisuke Watanabe


<Related links>
Japan Society of Packaging Science website