

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment

Research content (Undergraduate Course of Ocean Sciences)

Oceanography and related areas

physical oceanography Exploring the mechanisms of various physical phenomena in the ocean and predicting changes
chemical oceanography Research on the circulation of chemical substances in the ocean, focusing on in-situ observations
biological oceanography Production of aquatic organisms and environmental factors
ocean physics Kuroshio, Oyashio, polar regions, oceanic aeolian general circulation, deep circulation, fine mixing in the ocean
geofluid mechanics Atmosphere-ocean circulation dynamics, ocean waves, tides, coastal currents, eddy dynamics, rotating tank experiments
climate change dynamics Atmosphere-ocean interactions and climate change, polar ocean and sea ice changes
Resource information analysis Relationship between ecology of biological resources and environmental factors (field environment)
satellite metrology Elucidating the causes of ocean environmental change using satellite remote sensing
Resource and environmental dynamics Investigation of the relationship between ocean physical processes and biological production dynamics
environmental metrology Dynamics of ocean light and turbidity environments
Environmental mathematical analysis Exploring the mechanisms of scientific phenomena using mathematical models
Bioelement cycling Research on bioelement cycles driven by marine biological communities, focusing on in-situ observations.
marine inorganic chemistry Analysis of the dissolved state of elements and their distribution in the hydrosphere
Seabed biogeochemistry Research on biological metabolism and geochemical processes on the ocean floor
Seabed material science Mineralogical and geochemical research on the dynamics and distribution of metallic elements on the ocean floor

Marine biology and related areas

Phycology Classification, morphology, ecology, etc. of seaweeds, freshwater algae, diatoms, etc.
invertebrate zoology Classification, morphology, life history, ecology, etc. of aquatic invertebrates
ichthyology Morphology, feeding ecology, community ecology, etc. of fish (larvae)
planktonic biology Classification, physiology, ecology, and life history of planktonic organisms
marine environmental physiology Invertebrate responses to climate change and the expansion and spread of harmful algae and pathogens
Cetaceanology Ecology, age assessment, morphology, adaptation strategies, etc. of cetaceans (whales and dolphins)
population ecology Quantitative research on the ecology and population density of aquatic species populations
marine biochemistry Search, analysis, improvement, and application of useful environmental microorganisms, enzymes, and genes
Aquatic ecochemistry Chemical structures and effects of drug candidates and toxins derived from marine organisms
Biofunctional utilization science Elucidation of biochemical functions related to the ocean and environment and their effective use

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