Shinagawa Campus
Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment
We conduct education and research on marine environmental conservation and the utilization and development of marine resources and energy, with an emphasis on practical training and experiments for practical use in the field.
School of Marine Life ScienceShinagawa Campus
- Department of Marine Biological Resources
- Department of Food Production Science
- Department of Ocean Policy and Culture
School of Marine TechnologyEtchujima Campus
- Undergraduate Course of Maritime Systems Engineering
- Undergraduate Course of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering
- Undergraduate Course of Logistics and Information Engineering
Graduate School of Marine Science and TechnologyShinagawa Etchujima Campus- Master's course
- Doctoral course
[Awards and Commendations] Associate Professor Shun Nomura received the 2023 Japan Concrete Institute Award (Technology Award)
Associate Professor Shun Nomura (Department of Marine Environmental Science) has announced that "2023Received the Japan Concrete Institute Award (Technical Award).
This award is given to papers, reports, works, and members that are recognized to have made significant contributions to the progress and development of concrete engineering and technology.
【 Winner 】
Associate Professor Shun Nomura (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Faculty of Science, Department of Natural Resources and Energy)
Mr. Keisuke Takahashi (UBE Mitsubishi Cement Co., Ltd.)
Mr. Yuichiro Kawabata (National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, Port and Airport Research Institute)
Mitsuyasu Iwanami (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Mari Kobayashi (UBE Mitsubishi Cement Corporation)
Mr. Takafumi Kasaya (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
[Title of award-winning research]
Development of in-situ monitoring method for elucidating the mechanical behavior of hardened cement in the deep sea (general topic)
[Outline of Awards]
In the global trend of seeking future infrastructure fields in the deep sea, such as facilities for resource development, facilities for capturing and storing CO2, offshore wind power generation facilities, and facilities for monitoring crustal movements, It is necessary to collect essential knowledge and data when using cementitious materials as construction materials.
This technology clarifies the unknown behavior of cementitious materials that occur in the deep sea, and represents the "first step" to realize the above. It is a technology for in-situ monitoring of water pressure and deformation behavior under high water pressure. Developed and succeeded in monitoring the strain of the cement effect body and the long-term fluctuation of the water pressure over a period of about one year on the seabed at a depth of 3,515m.The valuable knowledge obtained here is expected to be used expansively as a foothold for elucidating the behavior of concrete in extreme environments, and to become a technological and academic landmark that leads the field.
[Award-winning paper]
Action of Hydraulic Pressure on Portland Cement Mortars - Current Understanding and Related Progress of the First-Ever In-Situ Deep Sea Tests at a 3515 m Depth, Keisuke Takahashi, Yuichiro Kawabata, Mari Kobayashi, Shinpei Gotoh, Shun Nomura, Takafumi Kasaya, Mitsuyasu Iwanami, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.19(3), 226-239, 2021 XNUMX,
In-Situ Deep-Sea Monitoring of Cement Mortar Specimen at a Depth of 3515 m and Changes in Mechanical Properties after Exposure to Deep Sea Condition , Keisuke Takahashi, Yuichiro Kawabata, Mitsuyasu Iwanami, Mari Kobayashi, Takafumi Kasaya, Toshiro Yamanaka, Shun Nomura, Hiroko Makita
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol.20(3) 254-266 March 2022
From left to right) Keisuke Takahashi, Associate Professor Shun Nomura, Takafumi Kasaya, Yuichiro Kawabata
<Related links>
Japan Concrete Society
Japan Concrete Institute (
2023 Japan Concrete Institute Award
award_2023_result.pdf (