

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology


Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology will hold an open lecture entitled "Information and chartwork necessary for safe navigation" in 6.

Events Those who want to study at university Companies / researchers Local / general people

 Safe voyage (navigation) involves collecting static information (information necessary for voyage planning) before setting out on a voyage and formulating a voyage plan, and after setting out on a voyage, dynamic information (information around the ship that changes from moment to moment) is also collected. It is carried out while being acquired.

 In this course, we will explain the static information (navigational charts, etc.) and dynamic information (radar information, etc.) necessary for safe navigation.

 In addition, participants will have hands-on experience in determining the position of their own ship using nautical charts and checking navigation information written on nautical charts.

 If you are interested in sailing, please apply.


2024/11/ 2 (Saturday)


Lecturer: Professor Koji Murai, Department of Maritime Systems Engineering

○Part 1 Lecture
?About hydrographic maps
?About navigational instrument information

○Part 2 Chart work
?About navigational charts
?About determining the position of own ship

★After the course, those who wish will be able to take part in a guided tour of the Meiji Maru Centennial Memorial Museum.

Eligible persons

Adults (2-3 family members allowed)


Approximately 30 people (first come, first served)

*Those selected to take the course will be sent a separate email on Friday, October 10th.

Wanted period

February 2024th (Thursday) -March 9th (Friday), 5

*If the available number of applicants is reached, applications will close before the deadline.

Tuition fee  Free
How to apply

Please apply using the following URL or QR code.

QR code for application form only (November 11nd).png

Holding form

Face-to-face format
National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Etchujima Campus

Chart Room (1rd floor, No. 3 Laboratory)

*Please note that there are no elevators at the venue.


 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Finance Department Research Promotion Division Research Planning Section

 108-8477-XNUMX Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo XNUMX-XNUMX



 *Click here for the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Faculty of Marine Engineering homepage.

?Related documents?

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology public lecture information for 6.pdf