

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Ocean University CSIRT

About Maritime University CSIRT

The Maritime University CSIRT was established under the CISO in March 29 as a cross-departmental incident response team related to information security within the university. Based on the basic plan for information security measures at the National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the committee consists of the chief information security officer (CISO), information security implementation officer, Academic Information Division staff, and departmental technology officers.


The university will promptly implement the necessary measures to maintain and improve the safety of information systems and reduce risks.

Our Projects

The CSIRT at Maritime University is responsible for the following tasks related to information security within the university under the direction of the CISO.

  • Providing security information to users (calling attention to people inside and outside the university, etc.)
  • Security training and education
  • Detection of security incidents (log collection, log analysis/search, etc.)
  • Incident response (recovery support)
  • Information collection and analysis related to cybersecurity, emergency response based on threat information
  • Collection of configuration information and risk analysis of on-campus information systems (recommendations for system reinforcement, support when procuring information systems, vulnerability inspections, etc.)
  • External collaboration (exchanging information and strengthening collaboration with other organizations, etc.)
  • Information security consultation desk



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