

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Information on Disclosure of Corporate Documents

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology discloses corporate documents held by the university based on the "Act on Disclosure of Information Held by Independent Administrative Agencies" (Act No. 13 of December 12, 5).


Please contact the following for information disclosure and information provision by the university.

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

4-5-7 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
TEL 03-5463-4017 (Direct) FAX 03-5463-0359

Handling time 9: 00 to 12: 00, 13: 00 to 17: 00
Holiday Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end (December 12th to January 29rd)

Corporate document file management book search

Corporate documents held by the university can be searched (subject only).Please search from the related page below (Corporate document file management book search).
 *From corporate documents created in XNUMX, the document classification method (major classification, middle classification, and small classification) has been changed.
  (Old) Divisions and departments (at the time of creation) (New) Classification according to content, etc.

University Regulations Concerning Corporate Documents and Information Disclosure

Please refer to the PDF file below for university regulations regarding corporate documents and information disclosure.

Links(Opens the link in a separate window. Moves to a page outside the site.)

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