

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Purpose of the organization, etc.

the purpose

The National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology established the national university "Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology" in order to respond to the public's demand for university education and research, as well as to improve the level of higher education and academic research in Japan and achieve balanced development. The purpose is to conduct educational research.


Business overview

National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology performs the following duties.

  1. To establish and operate the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the “University”).
  2. To provide consultation and other assistance to students regarding study, career selection, physical and mental health, etc.
  3. Conducting research entrusted by a person other than a corporation, conducting research in collaboration with this, or conducting educational research activities in cooperation with a person other than a corporation.
  4. To provide open learning courses and other learning opportunities for non-students.
  5. To disseminate the results of university research and to promote their utilization.
  6. Upon entrustment from a corporation, facilities, equipment, or intellectual infrastructure related to education and research owned by the corporation (Act on activation of science, technology and innovation creation20Year Law No.63No.) No.24article4Refers to the intellectual foundation specified in .same as below. ) and the management of such facilities, equipment, or intellectual infrastructure by other universities, research institutes, and other parties.
  7. Business that utilizes the results of university research34article5First1Except for the business specified in the paragraph. ) and invest in a person who implements what is specified by Cabinet Order.
  8. Investing in a person who implements a business that promotes the utilization of technological research results at a university and that is specified by Cabinet Order.
  9. Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act (Heisei25Year Law No.98No.) No.22provide capital and human and technical assistance pursuant to the provisions of Article
  10. Carrying out work incidental to the work in each of the preceding items.


Relationship with national policies

National University Corporation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology has formulated a medium-term plan to achieve the medium-term goals based on the medium-term goals indicated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as goals related to business operations that the university should achieve over the next six years.
Furthermore, based on this medium-term plan, we formulate an annual plan for each business year and carry out each business.

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