

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

About Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyEmployee Recruitment

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology formulated the Vision 4 Action Plan in 2040, and faculty and staff are working together to promote university reforms.We are looking for faculty members, ship staff, etc. who can be involved in university management with us.

Part-time lecturer (Basic bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 I & II, Interactive bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 I & II) recruitment (application deadline 7/1.31/RXNUMX) [completed]

Faculty recruitment

Job category

Part-time lecturer (subjects)Basic bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 Ⅰ-,Interactive bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 Ⅰ-

of people

1 people


Faculty of Marine Life Science/Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment


  • Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment1Annual compulsory subjects bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网Responsible for I and II.
     First and second semesters Wednesday 1st period
  • School of Marine Life Science1Annual compulsory subjects Basic bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 Ⅰ-In charge of.
     First and second semesters Wednesday 2st period
  • Faculty of Marine Life Science/Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment2Annual electivesInteractive bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 Ⅰ-In charge of.
     First and second semesters Wednesday 3st period

      *bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 In I and II,AdvancedThis class is aimed at students of all levels, and uses original textbooks from our university to help students improve their bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网.4You will be responsible for teaching skills classes.Interactive bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 In I and II,AdvancedYou will be responsible for classes aimed at students of your level that will train a variety of skills, with a focus on discussion and presentations in bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网. However, the details of the textbooks and teaching methods will be decided by the instructor.
      *Class period: 1st period8:30-10:15, 2nd period10:25-12:10,3limit13:00-14:45


      • Candidates must be a native bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 speaker or have equivalent bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 proficiency, and also have the Japanese communication skills necessary to carry out their duties.
      • Those who hold a master's degree or higher.
      • Those with university teaching experience.
      • Those with research achievements in bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网-related fields.

      Employment period

      Reiwa7Years4Month1Japan to Reiwa8Years3Month31Date (may be updated)

      Scheduled work location

      Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Shinagawa Campus (〒108-8477 Konan, Minato Ward, Tokyo4-5-7

      Documents to be submitted

      • One resume (free format, please include your contact email address)
      • List of research achievements (free format)

      *Successful finalists will be required to submit additional documents (such as proof of highest educational background).

      Document submission destination

      Postal Code108-8477 Konan, Minato Ward, Tokyo4-5-7 To: Misa Ohno, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Shinagawa Campus

      *Please write "Part-time bob博彩公司_申博体育在线-投注*官网 Teacher Application Enclosed" in red on the envelope and send it by registered mail.

      Application deadline

      Reiwa7Years1Month31Date (must arrive by)

      Screening method

      • After screening the documents, we will conduct an interview.
      • Those who pass the document screening will receive the Reiwa7Years2Month5We will contact you by email regarding the interview by the date. Unfortunately, we will not notify you if you are not selected for an interview.
      • The interview will be held at our Shinagawa campus, but travel expenses will be borne by the applicant.
      • Application documents will not be returned. They will be disposed of responsibly.


      According to the university's part-time lecturer regulations


      Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Department of Marine Policy and Cultural Studies Misa Ohno
      Email:misa(*) (*)Please change it to @.


      • Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology has established the "Declaration of Action for Gender Equality" and promotes gender equality, including support for female researchers.
      • At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, we are working to thoroughly prevent passive smoking, including banning smoking on campus in principle, based on the Health Promotion Act and the Tokyo Metropolitan Passive Smoking Prevention Ordinance.

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