
HOME > News > 5 > The XNUMXth Action Plan for Promoting Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children has started

The XNUMXth Next-Generation Development Support Measures Promotion Action Plan has started


At Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, we have formulated an action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and are working to improve the employment environment in order to support the balance between work and family life for faculty members who are raising children.

This time, we have formulated the following action plan for the XNUMXth term, and are proceeding with initiatives.

◎ Phase XNUMX Action Plan for Promotion of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children

Plan period: 5 years from April 4, 1 to March 7, 3

Goal XNUMX: Raise awareness of the university's childcare support system
Goal XNUMX: Operate a consultation desk for faculty and staff who are pregnant or after returning from maternity/childcare leave
Goal XNUMX: Improve the environment for taking childcare leave, etc.
Goal XNUMX: Reduce overtime hours
Goal XNUMX: Investigate and understand the actual situation of all faculty and staff in the work environment in order to balance work and childcare and improve work styles

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