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Announcement of a lecture hosted by the Career Development Office (by Mr. Hiroki Watanabe, FAO Senior Fisheries Specialist)


On January 1th, the Career Development Office (Global Human Resource Development Promotion Office, Rakusuikai Association support),  "Lecture - For Job Hunting"Will be held.


?click here

Hiroki Watanabe, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Aquaculture Division, Senior Fisheries SpecialistMrWe invite you to give a lecture.

He will talk about his activities at FAO and the Department of Aquaculture, as well as advice on getting a job at the United Nations.

Postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates are encouraged to participate.



Shinagawa Campus Shirataka Building 1F Large Lecture Room

Date and Time

Thursday, January 2013, 1 10:15-00:16


15:00 Introduction of speakers

15:10 Lecture Hiroki WatanabeMr(Senior Fisheries Specialist, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, FAO Headquarters)

16:10 Q&A