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HOME > What's New / Notice > 25 > October-November issue of Newsletter has been published


February-March issue of Newsletter has been published


Newsletter December-January issue was posted on the website

here.You can view the PDF file from
You can also see it on each bulletin board on campus.

Here are the featured articles for this issue:

  • XNUMXth Lecture Report: Mr. Andrew Gunn's Expectations for Japanese Youth
  • The XNUMXst workshop and career round-table conference were a great success!
      - Experience reports from long-term internship graduates (Mr. Wang and Ms. Watanabe)
      - Information exchange meeting with companies
  • Introducing “Career Counseling”
  • Other information from the Career Development Office
      - Long-term internship still in time!

In addition, the next XNUMXth “Highly Specialized Career Development Theory” will be held on October XNUMXth (Thursday).

*The Newsletter, which also reports on the activities of the Career Development Office, will continue to be sent out every other month.